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by Newton Moreno

directed by William Pereira

production Leopoldo by Léo Júnior

with Cristina Cavalcanti and Débora Duboc

One of the five plays that are part of the show of the same name,"A Cradle of Stone", which addresses conflicts in motherhood. The play premiered at the São Paulo Cultural Center in 2016. It received the Shell award for best stage lighting (Miló Martins), the Aplauso Brasil Award for best actor (Eucir de Souza) and was nominated for four categories at the APCA Award (Paulista Association of Art Critics"): author (Newton Moreno), actress (Cristina Cavalcanti), direction (William Pereira) and best play.

“A Cradle of Stone”, is a poem about the condition of women in areas of conflict, which can be either the Gaza Strip or the outskirts of a large Brazilian metropolis.


playwrighter Newton Moreno

director William Pereira

cast Cristina Cavalcanti

      Deborah Duboc *

set and sound designer William Pereira

costume designer Cristina Cavalcanti

lighting designer Miló Martins

graphic designer Eduardo Reis

press office Adriana Monteiro - Ofício das Letras

executive producer Adriana Florence

producer Leopoldo by Léo Júnior

               LNW Productions

* cast only from the short play "Um Berço de Pedra". Full cast of the show: Agnes Zulliani, Eucir de Souza, Lilian Blanc, Luciana Lyra and Sônia Guedes       


Photos by Rodrigo Menck

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